The Late Senior Bishop
Bishop T. Brown
The Senior Bishop
Bishop W. J. Jones
The Late Senior Bishop
Bishop C. Poller
The National Headquarters of the Church of the Christ Written in Heaven
617 Blackwell St, Waycross GA 31501
Location in Jacksonville FL
1430 Kings Rd.
The Late Senior Bishop
Bishop J. C. Blakely
The Church of Christ Written in Heaven was organized on November 23, 1939, by Bishop J. C. Blakely, in
Waycross, GA., with the intention that the headquarters would be eventually located in Jacksonville , Florida. The initial subscribers were Bishop J. C. Blakely of Waycross GA., Elder C. Poller of Waycross GA., Elder H. M. Maultsby of Fairfax, GA., Elder V.O. Smith of Fairfax, GA., Deacon Elder J.M. Moody of Fairfax,GA., Deacon C. King of Waycross GA., Deacon C. C. Carter of Jacksonville, FL., Mother O. B. Dusom of Jacksonville, FL., Elder E. W. Waiters of Miami FL., Deacon. L. Wallburg of Jacksonville, FL. The first Convocation of
The Church of Christ Written In Heaven was held in Jacksonville, Florida, starting November 10,
1940 through November 18, 1940. At this first Convocation the brethren elected
Bishop J.C. Blakely as the First Senior Bishop of The Church of Christ Written In Heaven,
who would serve as the Chief spiritual leader until his death in July 5, 1964.